By Bing Howard
Below is a sample Letter Of Intent To Homeschool. In some states, is called Letter of Withdrawal From Public School.
When we started homeschooling our oldest son, we were living in Hawaii. From our experience, Form 4140 is Hawaii's Department of Education's form for parents who wish to withdraw their children from the public school system, not only to homeschool but also for alternative educational programs, private school attendance, etc. However, it is not necessary for parents to submit the form if a letter of intent like the one shown below is submitted with the requested information. The school will probably attach the letter to the form and process the paperwork. | If you are withdrawing your child to begin home schooling during the school year, mail this letter "CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED" to the principal or the designated person-in-charge of the public school your child is currently attending.
Laws and forms required vary from state to state. You may be able to modify the sample letter in accordance to your state's homeschooling laws.
To avoid second-guessing, please visit your local State Department of Education for information on your local homeschooling laws and requirements. Or even better, become a member of Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). HSLDA's members are able to access online rules and regulations for each state and download state-specific documents including the Letter Of Intent/Withdrawal.
This is a Sample Letter of Intent To Homeschool
Jane Done 91-10030 Puahala Street Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706 Tel: 808-683-0111
Principal Camp Bell High School 91-80 South Road Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706
Re: Notice of Intent to Homeschool
Dear Principal,
We are hereby notifying you of our intent to homeschool our son, Jim for the remainder of the school year. For your records, the student is:
Jim Doe 91-1041 Puahala Street Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706 Tel: 808-683-0111 Birth Date: 07/07/1992 Grade: 3rd
In accordance with Hawaii Administrative rule title 8, chapter 12, Compulsary Attendance Exception, we are notifying you of our intent to homeschool. As stated in the above rule, we will, if requested, be submitting our progress report at the end of our school year.
We would appreciate a written acknowledgement of our notice of intent and request that any future communication be in written form for our record keeping.
Jane Doe
Related Pages: State Law and Regulations and Legal Issues