Do you know that throughout the entire text of the Bible, there are over 2,300 verses with regards to money? Money is discussed twice as much as faith and prayer combined! Fifteen percent of everything Jesus said related to money and possessions. He spoke about money and possessions more than heaven and hell combined.
RECOMMENDED READING: The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcor
The Treasure Principle By Randy Alcorn / Multnomah Publishers Inc.
In 2001, Alcorn first invited readers to partake in a revolution that called for radical generosity and freedom from materialism. This revised edition of his perennial bestseller features a provocative new ending with challenging questions from God about our stewardship. Discover how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and his children ultimate pleasure. 128 pages, hardcover from Multnomah. | |
Historically, mans' priorities are really messed up. Jesus knows our sin nature, that's why he talked about money more than heaven or hell. Our family is not immune to this. Money is wonderful, but misuse of it can really affect the quality of our lives. When our "wants" become our priority over "needs," we lose sight of Biblical stewardship - it affects our personal budget and our financial stewardship in God's Kingdom.
It is especially difficult to resist our "wants" during the holidays, we are are bombarded with sale circulars, great deals, rebate offers, etc.
Someone said, "Show me your checkbook, show me what you invest in, and I'll tell you about your depth of spirituality."
Our family needs a daily reminder that everything that we own is God's property. He owns it all. Here on earth, He has entrusted us with so much blessings, both material and spiritual. We are supposed to manage these blessings to advance His Kingdom, not to please our fleshly desires.
The Bible provides valuable lessons on how to manage our financial resources:
Money and Possessions
- The Rich Fool — Luke 12:16-21
- The Shrewd Manager — Luke 16:1-8
- The Talents/The Minas — Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11 -27
God's Lordship and Ownership
- The Cost of Discipleship — Luke 14:28 -33
- The Faithful and Wise Servant — Matthew 24:45-51; Luke 12:42-48
- The Great Banquet — Luke 14:16 -24
- The Master and His Servant — Luke 17:7-10
- The Shepherd and His Flock — John 10:1-18
- The Tenants — Matthew 21:33 -44; Mark 12:1-11; Luke 20:9-18
- The Thief — Matthew 24:42-44; Luke 12:39-40
- The Two Sons — Matthew 21:28 -32
- The Unfruitful Fig Tree — Luke 13:6-9
- The Unmerciful Servant — Matthew 18:23 -35
- The Watchful Servants — Mark 13:34-37; Luke 12:35-40
- The Wedding Banquet — Matthew 22:2-14
Human Prosperity and Poverty
- The Lost Sheep — Matthew 18:12 -14; Luke 15:4-7
- The Rich Man and Lazarus — Luke 16:19 -31
- The Workers in the Vineyard — Matthew 20:1-16
- New Cloth on an Old Garment — Matthew 9:16 ; Mark 2:21 ; Luke 5:36
- New Wine in Old Wineskins — Matthew 9:17 ; Mark 2:22 ; Luke 5:37 -38
- The Pharisee and the Tax Collector — Luke 18:9-14
- The Friend in Need — Luke 11:5-8
- The Good Samaritan — Luke 10:30 -37
- The Moneylender — Luke 7:41 -43
- The Owner of a House — Matthew 13:52
- The Prodigal Son — Luke 15:11 -32
- The Son’s Request — Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13
Funding the Great Commission
- The Growing Seed — Mark 4:26 -29
- The Kernel of Wheat — John 12:24
- The Mustard Seed — Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19
- The Yeast — Matthew 13:33 ; Luke 13:20 -21
Revival and Reformation
- The Discarded Salt — Matthew 5:13 ; Mark 9:50 ; Luke 14:34 -35
- The Fig Tree — Matthew 24:32-35; Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-31
- The Lamp under a Bowl — Matthew 5:14-16; Mark 4:21-22; Luke 8:16 , 11:33 -36
- The Lost Coin — Luke 15:8-10
Eternal Reward
- The Hidden Treasure — Matthew 13:44
- The Lowest Seat at the Feast — Luke 14:7-14
- The Sheep and Goats — Matthew 25:31-46
- The Valuable Pearl — Matthew 13:45-46
- The Wise and Foolish Builders — Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:46-49
Below are awesome websites that provide Bible-based ideas and resources to manage your money:
Christian Financial Professional Network - CFPN's vision is to equip and motivate Christian financial professionals to serve the body of Christ by implementing biblical wisdom in their lives and practices. Find practical guidance in applying biblical wisdom and helpful instruction for integrating biblical principles into your daily life and work.
Crown Financial Ministries - Equipping people worldwide to learn, apply, and teach God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him, and help fund the Great Commission.
Dave Ramsey - teaches you to manage and budget your money to avoid bankruptcy, help yourself get out of debt, build wealth, and live in financial peace without debt consolidation. Managing your money properly will reduce stress, improve your marriage, and provide security for you and your family.
Everyday Steward - Founded in 1979, Ronald Blue & Co. provides objective financial services within a Biblical framework in order to free up resources for the Great Commission.
National Christian Foundation - The National Christian Foundation exists for a larger purpose: to help Christians advance the Kingdom of God. The principal way we fulfill this purpose is through effective stewardship. Since its founding in 1982, The Foundation has been visionary in identifying ways to make it easier for you to give - and to maximize the impact of your gifts.
Sound Mind Investing - SMI is America's best-selling financial newsletter written from a biblical perspective. The SMI website has over 100 articles to help you with financial decision making.
Please email us to suggest a link or make corrections.
Parents, are your kids and assets secure? Do you have a will?
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