NEWS ALERT: Identity Theft Concerns
There Are Now Over 200 Million Data Breaches! A Chronology of Data Breaches Reported
Since the ChoicePoint Incident
Data of 26.5 Million US Veterans have been stolen. Read about it at:
My husband was a career Naval Aviator for 23 years. His father was a veteran for over 28 years. You
probably have relatives and friends who are in the service and/or who used to be in the service.
According to authorities, the laptop containing the VA data has been recovered. However, it is still
unclear what has been done to this laptop, where it's been, who had it after it was stolen!
For information on the real threat of Identity Theft and what you can do to minimize your risk,
please visit the Federal Trade Commission's website and other links:
As an affordable alternative to the 46 page FTC's Fighting Back Against ID Theft
booklet, there is an existing low-cost identity theft monitoring and restoration service that
can help you with potential legal and identity theft problems. We have been members of this service since June 2005
and were very relieved to have had the service when we received the news about the loss of the VA data. We highly
recommend it to anyone and everyone!
American Ex-Prisoners of War Organization -
Site contains information on entitlements, medical research, over 200 biographies of ex-POWs.
Photos, stories and ads searching for former POWs. |
American Merchant Marine Veterans, Juan De Fuca Chapter -
Intended to educate the general public as to the important services rendered to our country all
these many years by those who have served in both the U.S. Merchant Marine and U.S. Maritime
Services. Based in Carlsborg, Washington. |
Berlin Airlift Veterans Association -
A non-profit organization of men and women who served on the Berlin Airlift from its beginning in
1948 until its termination in 1949. |
Coalition of Retired Military Veterans -
Works in federal courts to restore medical benefits to veterans. Offers mission statement,
membership information, links to local chapters, and news. |
Cold War Veterans Association -
Lobbies for veterans' benefits, educates the public about the Cold War, and provides a fraternal
community for Cold War veterans. Press releases, news, and discussion forum. |
Legion of Valor -
Recipients of the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, and the Air Force
Cross. Comprised of veterans of W.W.II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Somalia. |
NABVETS - National Association for Black Veterans, Inc. -
Veterans Service Organization and United States Department of Veterans Affairs claims
representative. |
Ohio Amvets Information -
News, Information, Products and Services for anyone interested in Military, Veterans or Military
collectibles. |
The Chicano Veterans Organization -
A self-interest group of veterans addressing hemispheric business and politics, economic
development, employment, and issues and concerns important to the national community of
veterans. |
The National Infantry Association -
National organization providing services and contacts to the entire Infantry Branch, also aiming
to preserve the Infantry heritage through support of the National Infantry Museum. |
The National Veterans Organization of America -
Useful site for veterans seeking information on claims processing, NVOA email lists, attorneys
and full reference (CFR, M21, COVA). |
United Veterans of America -
For all Veterans. Dedicated to strengthening and preserving the traditions, values and benefits
of military service. Open to all active duty or honorably discharged veterans of military service
in the Armed Forces of the United States during peace time or war. |
Veterans for Common Sense -
Includes a mailing list, volunteer opportunities, news, war stories, and membership
information. |
Veterans for Unification -
A grassroots organization dedicated to saving the VA hospital system and restoring quality care
and benefits for all veterans. |
Veterans of U.S. Military Liaison Mission -
A non-profit organization created for the enjoyment of its members in their pursuit of preserving
and studying the history of this distinguished U.S. military unit. Site includes images,
suggested reading and reunion information. |
Veterans Resource Network Association -
A non-profit association for veterans from all branches of the U.S. military, offering advocacy,
discounts and education about Veterans Administration policy and benefits. |

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